Impact Sequence #2 / Secuencia de impacto #2
Produced and curated by EducaThyssen, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza (Madrid) y Santiago Morilla.
Technical support by Carpintería Expandida (Madrid)
"Impact Sequence #2" is a mobile device (software, microcontroller, synthesizer and other components) that is connected to a plant through two probes (one is attached to a leaf and the other one is inserted into the soil near the roots). The device is able to play music based on the plant's health, environmental conditions and external behaviors. The device continuously monitors the instantaneous resistance of the plant and, depending on the level of resistance, plays different pre-programmed notes and rhythmic cadences. In addition, it incorporates a small MIDI sequencer that offers the possibility of playing music with - and along with - the plant, with a monitor where the spectrogram is displayed in real-time.

The installation was connected for three months (from September to December 2019) to one of the centennial Ficus benjamina that stand in the entrance hall of the Museo Nacional Thyssen Bornemisza (Madrid). These Ficus are the living memory of the historical space they occupy, as silent witnesses that have been presiding over the hall of the Villahermosa Palace since before its inauguration as a national art gallery in 1992. It is precisely for this reason that "Impact Sequence #2" wanted to give them a voice... as living sculptures that, without a doubt, have much to say and show (if anyone wants to consider them as more than decorative objects).
“Secuencia de impacto #2” es un dispositivo móvil (software, microcontrolador, sintetizador y otros componentes) que se conecta a una planta a través de dos sondas (una se adhiere a una hoja y la otra se inserta en la tierra, cerca de las raíces). El dispositivo es capaz de reproducir música en función de la salud, condiciones medioambientales y comportamientos externos de la planta. El dispositivo monitorea la resistencia instantánea de la planta y, dependiendo del nivel de resistencia, musicaliza diferentes notas y cadencias preestablecidas. Además, incorpora un pequeño secuenciador MIDI que ofrece la posibilidad tocar música con –y junto a– la planta, además de un monitor donde se observa el espectrograma sonoro resultante, todo en tiempo real.
La instalación se conectó durante tres meses (de septiembre a diciembre de 2019) a uno de los Ficus benjamina centenarios que presiden el hall de entrada al Museo Nacional Thyssen Bornemisza (Madrid). Estos Ficus son la memoria viva del espacio histórico que ocupan, como testigos mudos que llevan presidiendo el hall del Palacio de Villahermosa desde antes de su inauguración como pinacoteca nacional, en 1992. Es precisamente por ello que “Secuencia de impacto #2” ha querido darles la voz… como esculturas vivas que, sin duda, tienen mucho que decir y mostrar (si acaso alguien quiere considerarles más allá de objetos decorativos).
︎ 09-12/2019 © Santiago Morilla
︎ Watch “Secuencia de impacto 2” / Sound Test: Playing with an Aloe Vera. Single-channel Video Documentary (0:30)

︎ “Impact Sequence #2” in the entrance hall of the Museo Nacional Thyssen Bornemisza (Madrid)

︎ “Impact Sequence #2” (work in progress), Madrid.